Employment LAW
If your employer has violated one of the state and federal laws that protect employees, you may be entitled to substantial compensation.

Employment Law for Employees
In a perfect world, all employers would treat their employees with courtesy and respect, and abide by the law. Unfortunately, the reality is that too many employees are subject to illegal discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, and other unlawful conduct by their employer.
What is employment discrimination?
Employment discrimination refers to any unfair treatment and illegal behavior in the workplace based upon age, disability, gender, pregnancy, race or color, national origin, or religious beliefs. Discrimination of this nature violates state and federal anti-discrimination laws. It is illegal, and employers need to be held accountable. It is also unlawful for an employer to retaliate against employees for filing discrimination charges or even alleging discrimination in the workplace. Retaliation can include termination, demotion, cut in pay, reduced work schedule, or any other adverse action against the employee.
After the #MeToo movement and the related media attention, one would think that employers would finally get it. They don’t! Allegations of sexual harassment are still rampant through unwelcome sexual advances, inappropriate touching, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical gestures of a sexual nature. In addition to being discriminated against or harassed, employees may suffer unlawful treatment in the form of violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
If your employer has violated state and federal laws that protect employees, you may be entitled to substantial compensation, including lost wages, back pay, pain and suffering, and attorney’s fees.
To learn more about your rights as an employee or which laws may have been broken by your employer, click on the links below: