Matthew Mobilio

spouse of an injured person

How the Spouse of an Injured Person Can Bring a Claim for Damages

As the spouse of an injured person, you undoubtedly have felt the effects an injury can have on a family.  Whether it’s taking time out of your day to drive your spouse to doctor’s appointments, doing extra chores around the house, or a lack of intimacy, an injury can have dramatic effects on a marriage.

How the Spouse of an Injured Person Can Bring a Claim for Damages Read More »

pre-incident medical condition

How Your Pre-incident Medical Condition Affects Your Post-incident Claim for Damages

Your pre-incident medical condition will be relevant if you’ve been injured in an accident and claim damages. Depending on the circumstances, this can be an advantage or a disadvantage in your case. To Your Advantage Pennsylvania follows what is called the “eggshell head” concept of post-incident damages.  Put simply, if you are pre-disposed to injury,

How Your Pre-incident Medical Condition Affects Your Post-incident Claim for Damages Read More »


A Deposition Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Accident victims who submit insurance claims may be asked to sit for a deposition or give an examination under oath (“EUO”). In both cases, you will be asked a series of questions under oath. And the questions will be asked by a lawyer hired by the insurance company. Accordingly, the lawyer will question you about

A Deposition Doesn’t Have to be Scary Read More »

Out-Of-Court Child Support Agreement

An Out-Of-Court Child Support Agreement May be a Waste of Time

Many times parents try to resolve a child support dispute by entering into some sort of financial agreement themselves. In other words, they do so without involvement from the Court.  This approach may be an attempt to avoid the costs of filing a support action or to keep the peace. Or the paying parent may

An Out-Of-Court Child Support Agreement May be a Waste of Time Read More »

spouse handles the money

I want a divorce but my spouse handles the money. What do I do?

In many marriages, one spouse handles the money and all of the financial dealings of the couple.  This can often leave one spouse in the dark with regard to the financial health of the couple. Thus, initiating a divorce is particularly difficult for the dependent spouse.  This blog will discuss what you can do if

I want a divorce but my spouse handles the money. What do I do? Read More »